Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Hormone Diet

A few weeks ago, after a visit to my doctor, I learned I have PCOS. (Poly-cycstic ovarian syndrome). It's genetic in my family, and now I have it too. I wasn't too surprised, just disappointed. But it was nice to finally have some answers. My miscarriage through off my hormones big time. So my doctor prescribed me some birth control to take to help level things out.

It's helped a lot. But I've also realized that I have to make a lifestyle change. Because of past eating habits, and maybe some genetics, I'm tend to have higher insulin levels. Or in other words, I'm insulin resistant. My body mass produces it because I get sugar cravings, and give in, and then crash. So my body's over producing it to compensate. After doing some research of my own, I've determined that a low-glycemic diet is the best thing for me. I did it for one week (before the holidays) and boy I saw a huge change. My acne cleared up, I had higher energy levels, and lost 2 pounds without doing anything. 

Among my research, I came across the book called The Hormone Diet, by Natasha Turner, ND. I really like her book. She shows the science behind our hormones and how they effect us and what we can to to affect them! She has three steps in her Hormone Diet. I'm on the first step right now, which is to get proper sleep and to do a two week detox.

This detox is a little...intense. Basically all common allergy foods are removed. Corn, wheat, peanuts, etc. Today I went shopping for food. I've found me a few recipes that I'm excited to try. I think it'll be good. Tonight's dinner was great! I'll post that later. I've also got fruit to make smoothies in the morning and cooked chicken for salads for lunch. I'm excited to get my hormones back in balance and get healthy. I could use the energy as well!

I would recommend The Hormone Diet to anyone. This isn't a new "fad". It's backed by science and studies. It doesn't call for anything that isn't common sense or radical. Give it a try!

- Samantha 

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