Sunday, October 4, 2015

Another Game!

On Friday we went to another game! It was fun. I enjoy the opening stuff. They pulled out a GIANT American flag as big as the whole football field! The national anthem and the flag can shoke me up sometimes, we live in a blessed land. Anyway, it was fun to be there with Trevor!I enjoy spending tme with him, even if it's football and not Quidditch. ;)


So, everyone is doing this whole "expand your family, baby thing". So, we decided to jump on the bandwagon too. We've adopted! Meet Kori the Corolla! This beauty is two years old and joined our family on Saturday! We are so happy Kori is a part of our lives!

Finally Finished

After working on this difficult puzzle for over a month, its finally finished! It's beautiful. It's a shame we have to put it away.

Knife Fight Ends in Stitches

We were preparing lunch before conference today. Sounds harmless right? Wrong. The potato picked a fight with me. I had a knife. He lost, but I also came out of it with battle wounds.  3 hours at the ER and 6 stitches later, we are finally getting lunch...well dinner now.


One month down! 5 more to go!