Thursday, February 27, 2014

Job Interview

I had a job interview today. It went really well! I think they really liked me. They did say they loved the inventory experience I had while I was at Safelink. They will be calling me mid to end next week for a follow up interview with the owners! :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Church Callings!

Today, Trevor and I were given a new calling! We have been called to be primary teachers! We teach the only member of the primary, she's 4 1/2.

We team teach with another couple. Next week is our first week teaching. We are super excited. There have been a number of things that have played into this and have made it interesting. I'm sure I'll let you know more as time goes on. ;)

- SamiMae

Peep Mania!

The Easter candy is out! Let the regretful indulgence BEGIN! Trevor and I found Peeps in the BYU bookstore on Friday night and we couldn't NOT get some. FIRST PEEP OF THE SEASON. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Joneses February Newsletter

Hi Everyone!
We've created out February newsletter. It's been great to see the newsletters from the other families. You can view Trevor and I's here.

Have a great one!

- SamiMae


I PASSED MY ACCOUNTING 1 CLASS! The cut score was 76% and I got an 89%! My mentor said it was the highest score she's seen! I'm so excited. I can also get my Accounting 2 class passed by the end of the month. That means I won't be behind in my classes and I can keep moving forward. YAY!

- SamiMae

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Six Months Married!

So, as of today, Trevor and I have been married six months! I have the best husband ever! He's my best friend and we've had an awesome adventure these last six months and look forward to an eternity more! Cheers to eternity!

- SamiMae 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A little more frugal...

So, now that I'm not working, we have to be even more frugal then ever. I also am taking this chance to become more self sufficient by trying to figure out my own recipes for common every day food items that we purchase regularly. I found a great recipe for tortillas, and will never buy store bought again. My next thing I'm working on its homemade sandwich bread. We spend so much money on bread for our weekly lunches. Bread is getting expensive. The good bread is over $3 a loaf! Why can't I just make it?

That's my goal this week. Make bread that we can make sandwiches on.

Today, I went to the grocery store to shop. Smith's, in my opinion, is the best place to shop. Winco is pretty good to, but I prefer the quality of food that Smith's has. You are what you eat, so don't be cheap. At the same time, we gotta be affordable. I've been working hard on making dinners with all natural ingredients. I need to be able to pronounce the items.

As I've been doing research the last few weeks/months, I've found a reoccurring tidbit of a tip. Avoid the inner isles of the grocery store. Stay on the outside. That's where the fresh, healthy food is. I did that today. I had my little list of items I needed to get. All of it, was on the outside isles. By not traveling to the inner parts of the store, I wasn't temped to buy anything full of preservatives or processed foods. Smith's had a great sale on produce going on, I took advantage of it.

I've slowly been learning how to cook for only 2 people. I've grown up cooking for an army of 8+. Downsizing to two people has been tough. I usually end up overestimating and buying or preparing more than necessary. Today, I did pretty good. I got less than I thought I'd need. After spending time thinking on it, that was the best move. I know food won't go bad and have to get thrown away.

I've also learned, don't be afraid to buy the off brand items. We've done this with milk. It all tastes the same, and I got 2 gallons of milk today for 3.98, saving .80 cents a gallon. This was the Mountain Dairy brand. I was pretty excited. We go through so much milk - it's Trevor's favorite.

One sneaky advertising I've found is the sale on pounds. Like fruit: 99 cents a pound! Awesome! But then you realize that one apple is a pound, and end up paying $4 for some apples. Measure your produce.

When the cashier hands you your receipt, there are often times a survey you can go and do. Free savings, yay!  I did one for Smiths and got 50 extra fuel points and got entered into their sweepstakes. More savings for me, yay! I also did one for Costa Vida, and next time I go in, I get a free small chips and queso. YUM!

Anyway, it's been fun to learn all these things as I go. Hopefully, as I go, I'll get better. Good luck.

- SamiMae