Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Don't forget the Eggs!

So, yesterday I was craving sugar. I had one box of Betty Crocker Fudge Brownies left. Trevor and I were both STARVING. So I began to work on our vegetable grilled cheese sandwiches. I asked Trevor to make the brownies. Sometimes when I ask him to do something, I'll get the urge to micromanage him (mainly when it involves cooking). I fight that urge really hard, because I know how annoying it can be. So, I just continued to make our sandwiches and let him make the brownies.

Well, he makes them and we put them into a 9x13 pan and pop it in the oven for the recommended time of 25 minutes. Meanwhile, we sit and eat our sandwiches. After 25-30 minutes of cooking, I open up the oven and find this:

Yes, those are bubbles. I was just kind of mind-boggled. I had never ever seen something like this before. I watched as the bubbles would form, and then pop. Soon, we realized what he forgot to add in. Eggs. The 2 eggs did not get added into the brownies. Just so everybody knows, this is what happens when the eggs aren't added into the brownies. After it cooled, it became rock hard. We had to soak the pan overnight to remove it. No brownies for Sam....I was bummed, but I didn't need them anyway. HA!

I love Trevor. We both just laughed. It was some great humor that we needed. He's a good sport. Lesson learned. It was a great science experiment.  Next time, we won't forget the eggs.


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