Thursday, December 12, 2013

God Wink ;)

Hey! Read my story about a God Wink ;) I had last week. God exists and knows us personally. He also loves us very much. Sometimes, when we are struggling, he'll send down a God Wink ;) to show us that he is aware of us. Read about my God Wink HERE!

(It's on my I'm A Mormon page)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Winter is here!

So, today I went to get in my car to go to work...and found I couldn't. My car was stuck. Winter is here. I spent the next 50 minutes getting my car unstuck. Poor Honda wasn't too happy.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Hi everybody! I know I'm a little late in getting my Thanksgiving posted. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I learned so much and it was truly one of gratitude

Click here to read my post of it! (It's kind of long, but I hope you enjoy!)

Happy Holidays!


Thanksgiving Mashed Potatoes!

For Thanksgiving this year, we weren't able to travel to Idaho. Instead, we had the opportunity to have Thanksgiving with Trevor's mother, aunt, and her children. They asked me to make homemade mashed potatoes.

Trevor and I enjoy spending time together in the kitchen. He is always a super great help! :) We chopped up some golden potatoes, boiled them, and then drained them. Afterwards, I had Trevor mash them. We added buttermilk, cream cheese, chives, garlic and fresh rosemary. YUM! I love to cook. I enjoy improvising and never measuring. :) I must say, we made some pretty spectacular mashed potatoes.

We took selfies. Hahaha. Enjoy the Pics!

Be Spontaneous!

Trevor and I are what our parents call "Old Farts". We are usually in bed by 10:30 every night. This early bed time has carried over into out weekends. We often talk about going out and doing things, yet still just chill in our apartment.

So last night, we again said "We're old farts, it's 8 pm and I'm ready for bed. I almost feel guilty. It's Saturday night. We should go do something" I said.

Trevor drops the sponge, (we were working on dishes, that are still not done. :) "Let's go!" He grabbed the car keys.

"What?" I said.

"Ya! Why not! Let's go be spontaneous!" He had a big grin on his face. "Where do you want to go?"

I thought for half a second. "Is Temple Square too far?"

"Let's go!" I changed out of my pjs and we both put shoes on and were out the door. It was 8 pm and we were on our way to Temple Square. As we were driving I realized that it had been quite a few weeks since I had gotten out of Utah Valley. It was an awesome night to go and spend a few hours on Temple Square. The lights are up and it's so pretty this time of year.

I also realized, that I hadn't been back to Temple Square since we got married in August. It was awesome to visit again and admire the Temple and all the history that is there. We enjoyed walking through the visitors centers and seeing all the nativities and lights every where. Such a good feeling on Temple Square. Super fun!

We are young, in love, and have no kids. We realized that we needed to take these weekend opportunities to be SPONTANEOUS! For one night, we didn't care about the money, or were we were going, we just enjoyed the journey. :)

Here are some pictures! Enjoy!