Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Everybody, Uchtdorf is in the building!"

So, quick update. Last week, we had the awesome experience of having President Uchtdorf attend a ward that worshiped in the same building as ours. :) No, he didn't attend our ward, sadly. But, as I was walking out of Sacrament, I heard someone in front of me say "Hey! Isn't that President Uchtdorf?" I turned my head to the side, and he was less than 5 feet away from me. I couldn't do anything but stop and stare! Hahahaha. He was there with his wife for a great grandson's baby blessing.

He didn't come to any of our classes, but we were having ward conference and the stake presidency was there. So, in the last few minutes of Relief Society, the stake president comes in to talk to us. He said he was sitting with Pres. Uchtdorf and explained that he had to go to visit a group of Relief Society sisters. AKA, my RS class. :) Our stake president said that Pres. Uchtdorf put his arm around the stake president and said "Tell those dear sisters that we love them, and that God loves them and that we are grateful for everything they do" Ok, well I can't remember the exact wording, but that was what I remember. As our stake president said that to us, my eyes got all teary. We, myself included, got a shout out from President Uchtdorf. Could life get better?!! I submit that it cannot!

That was the buzz for all of Sunday. So, what did we do in our Sunday school class? (Which is after Sacrament.) We texted all our family members to tell them who we just saw. Welcome to Provo.


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