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Our dinner in a pumpkin! |
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Pumpkin Carving!
Tonight Trev and I carved pumpkins and had dinner in a pumpkin! Head over to Our Happenings page to view our post or click here! We also had dinner in a pumpkin! The recipe is on our Healthy Eating page. Here are some fun pictures from our night!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Ten Reasons Why I Love My Husband
My turn to do a top 10 list. I have the best husband in the world. This list is harder for me to compile, because he is just so awesome. :) It's even harder to put these in a list of importance.
He knows Spanish. Trevor served an honorable mission to Arequipa, Peru and learned Spanish. If serving a mission wasn't awesome enough, he was privileged to learn Spanish. He will occasionally whisper something in my ear, in Spanish. :) Recently, he's been teaching me to speak Spanish. We have been reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish. We can do about 5 versus in 30 minutes, but i'm picking up on it fast. :)
He's a genius. So, Trevor is super smart. It's insane, blows my mind. He's shown me some of his homework. He will get a math equation that is three lines long, with two equal signs and all sorts of symbols that look Greek to me. And BAM! He can figure it out. I'd roll over and play dead if it were me. School, for the most part, has come so easy to him. (Lucky... :)
He's teachable. It's what every woman wants in a guy, right? Just kidding. But really, I've been so surprised at how I can teach him something and he will do it. His mother wasn't always an active figure in his life, so simple things like making the bed, to cooking, even cleaning. He's let me teach him things. (It's nice to teach him something back, because I feel he is always teaching me:)
Trevor is always active and willing to help. He is always happy to jump in and help me fold laundry, make the bed, clean the bathroom, do the dishes (my favorite) or help cook. After I cook a nice dinner for him, I can usually persuade him to do the dishes for me. I never hear him complain about anything.
Trevor is so calm. So we've almost known each other a whole year, and not once have I heard him yell, or get upset, or even raise his voice. This has been super good for me, because it has kept me calmer. I hardly raise my voice or get up set. Most of all, our relationship is such, that if I ever did that, especially to him, I would feel awful. He's just too kind. :)
Trevor has patience with me. This has been helpful in so many occasions. I'm so far from perfect. He has been patient with me when one of my weaknesses gets the better of me. He is always willing to listen to me, and help me improve myself. He can smile, give me a hug, and some how, it's all better.
Trevor has drive, ambition, and dreams. I've never met someone who has as big of a heart as he does. He wants to make a difference in the world. He wants to go places in life, make something of himself and go far. He can push himself to do hard things. He has big dreams. This is so important. It helps both of us push ourselves to become better.
Trevor is a true gentleman. I noticed this early on. He treats every one with kindness and tries very hard to see the best in everyone. I knew he would be a good husband to me, but it became crystallized when I saw how he treats his mother. At the time I saw this, he was living with his mother and going to BYU for the winter semester. I came down to visit and meet his mother. He was always asking things like "What can I do to help you, Mom?", "Let me help you with the dishes." And so forth. He was so super sweet towards her. Trevor has a deep respect for women and mothers.
Trevor does the little things. I always struggled praying every morning, and reading my scriptures every night. But I've been amazing at how he does the little things. It is a team effort, granted. But since being married, we read the scriptures together, we pray together, morning and evening, and say our personal prayers together. We attend church every week. I've never included God this much in my life before. We also try to go to the temple on a weekly basis. It's been amazing to see just how much God wants to be apart of our lives and is willing to as long as we do the little things. They make such a big difference.
Trevor is a worthy priesthood holder. I always knew I wanted to marry in the temple, to a worthy man. I have always known that it's important. One Sunday, while Trevor and I were dating, he was asked to bless the sacrament. I sat and watched as he exercised his priesthood. In that moment, I started to cry. Only after pondering, I learned that I cried, because the importance of the priesthood hit me even more. I realized a little bit more, why it's important and how much I wanted it in my own home. It still chokes me up when he participates in family baby blessings, or priesthood ordinations. He has dedicated our apartment. A few weeks ago, he gave me a priesthood blessing. Besides getting sealed in the temple, that was one of the most sacred moments we've shared. I felt a wave of love and gratitude. There is true power in the priesthood and I'm so grateful that he has lived a life that makes him worthy to hold it. There is peace and safety that is priceless. He has the authority to act in God's name. To do as Christ would do if he were here. It has blessed my life, and our marriage.
I love Trevor. I know, from previous experiences, that we were a match truly made in heaven. It has been a great 3 months so far, and we look forward to a whole lifetime and all of eternity together and with our families.
He knows Spanish. Trevor served an honorable mission to Arequipa, Peru and learned Spanish. If serving a mission wasn't awesome enough, he was privileged to learn Spanish. He will occasionally whisper something in my ear, in Spanish. :) Recently, he's been teaching me to speak Spanish. We have been reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish. We can do about 5 versus in 30 minutes, but i'm picking up on it fast. :)
He's a genius. So, Trevor is super smart. It's insane, blows my mind. He's shown me some of his homework. He will get a math equation that is three lines long, with two equal signs and all sorts of symbols that look Greek to me. And BAM! He can figure it out. I'd roll over and play dead if it were me. School, for the most part, has come so easy to him. (Lucky... :)
He's teachable. It's what every woman wants in a guy, right? Just kidding. But really, I've been so surprised at how I can teach him something and he will do it. His mother wasn't always an active figure in his life, so simple things like making the bed, to cooking, even cleaning. He's let me teach him things. (It's nice to teach him something back, because I feel he is always teaching me:)
Trevor is always active and willing to help. He is always happy to jump in and help me fold laundry, make the bed, clean the bathroom, do the dishes (my favorite) or help cook. After I cook a nice dinner for him, I can usually persuade him to do the dishes for me. I never hear him complain about anything.
Trevor is so calm. So we've almost known each other a whole year, and not once have I heard him yell, or get upset, or even raise his voice. This has been super good for me, because it has kept me calmer. I hardly raise my voice or get up set. Most of all, our relationship is such, that if I ever did that, especially to him, I would feel awful. He's just too kind. :)
Trevor has patience with me. This has been helpful in so many occasions. I'm so far from perfect. He has been patient with me when one of my weaknesses gets the better of me. He is always willing to listen to me, and help me improve myself. He can smile, give me a hug, and some how, it's all better.
Trevor has drive, ambition, and dreams. I've never met someone who has as big of a heart as he does. He wants to make a difference in the world. He wants to go places in life, make something of himself and go far. He can push himself to do hard things. He has big dreams. This is so important. It helps both of us push ourselves to become better.
Trevor is a true gentleman. I noticed this early on. He treats every one with kindness and tries very hard to see the best in everyone. I knew he would be a good husband to me, but it became crystallized when I saw how he treats his mother. At the time I saw this, he was living with his mother and going to BYU for the winter semester. I came down to visit and meet his mother. He was always asking things like "What can I do to help you, Mom?", "Let me help you with the dishes." And so forth. He was so super sweet towards her. Trevor has a deep respect for women and mothers.
Trevor does the little things. I always struggled praying every morning, and reading my scriptures every night. But I've been amazing at how he does the little things. It is a team effort, granted. But since being married, we read the scriptures together, we pray together, morning and evening, and say our personal prayers together. We attend church every week. I've never included God this much in my life before. We also try to go to the temple on a weekly basis. It's been amazing to see just how much God wants to be apart of our lives and is willing to as long as we do the little things. They make such a big difference.
Trevor is a worthy priesthood holder. I always knew I wanted to marry in the temple, to a worthy man. I have always known that it's important. One Sunday, while Trevor and I were dating, he was asked to bless the sacrament. I sat and watched as he exercised his priesthood. In that moment, I started to cry. Only after pondering, I learned that I cried, because the importance of the priesthood hit me even more. I realized a little bit more, why it's important and how much I wanted it in my own home. It still chokes me up when he participates in family baby blessings, or priesthood ordinations. He has dedicated our apartment. A few weeks ago, he gave me a priesthood blessing. Besides getting sealed in the temple, that was one of the most sacred moments we've shared. I felt a wave of love and gratitude. There is true power in the priesthood and I'm so grateful that he has lived a life that makes him worthy to hold it. There is peace and safety that is priceless. He has the authority to act in God's name. To do as Christ would do if he were here. It has blessed my life, and our marriage.
I love Trevor. I know, from previous experiences, that we were a match truly made in heaven. It has been a great 3 months so far, and we look forward to a whole lifetime and all of eternity together and with our families.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Ten Reasons Why I Love My Wife!
Sam mentioned that this would be OUR blog, right? Well, that means that I get MY say in here, too!
May I present, for your viewing pleasure, the
Top Ten Reasons I Love My Wife!
10) She cooks me great food all the time.
This woman knows how to cook. She hasn't cooked anything yet that I haven't liked. My favorite so far? Tacos.
9) She always knows how to calm me down when I'm upset.
I can't count the number of times that I've come home stressed or worried about things (mostly school), and she's talked me down, reassured me, told me she still loves me, and generally helped me put my head on straight. I love her for that.
8) Green Onions ;)
This is a fun little inside joke between the two of us. If you're curious, ask one of us in person about the green onions and we'll tell you.
7) She's helped me grow closer to my own family.
Believe it or not, my family has had some problems during my childhood and adolescence. We may have drifted farther apart than is necessarily a very good thing. But Sam always makes it a priority to ask me about how my folks are doing, and to make sure we take time out of our lives to visit them and to make sure they're a part of our lives.
6) She's so good looking!
She's already posted the wedding pictures, right? You can easily tell which of the two of us is better looking. (Hint: It isn't me!)
5) Cute text messages throughout the day.
It just makes the day better when she sends me a quick update on how her day has been going, and letting me know that she loves me.
4) She's helped me understand myself better.
We're only a few months in, but we've had a lot of conversations about who I am, what I'm like, and why she loves me so much. That's huge, because it helps me better understand my own strengths and weaknesses, and so it gives me that much more confidence to pursue my dreams.
3) We grow closer every day.
With conversations like those, how could we do anything but grow closer? We've had some of the deepest, most meaningful conversations that I've had in my life, and it only gets better. When we love and respect each other to boot, it's impossible not to grow closer to each other.
2) We grow closer to God every day, together.
This one is huge for me. Sam always tells me that I've helped her grow more spiritual, but it boggles my mind, because I feel exactly the same way about her; she's helped ME grow that much closer to God. Either way, there's a great spirit that we can feel in the apartment home we have.
1) We'll be together forever.
:) It's only going to get better with time. We do have our share of disagreements, yes. But we never make the disagreement more important than the relationship, and we'll both gladly back down well before things hit a boiling point. (Usually. I mean, no one's perfect.) Things will only get better, and not even death will end our relationship.
May I present, for your viewing pleasure, the
Top Ten Reasons I Love My Wife!
10) She cooks me great food all the time.
This woman knows how to cook. She hasn't cooked anything yet that I haven't liked. My favorite so far? Tacos.
9) She always knows how to calm me down when I'm upset.
I can't count the number of times that I've come home stressed or worried about things (mostly school), and she's talked me down, reassured me, told me she still loves me, and generally helped me put my head on straight. I love her for that.
8) Green Onions ;)
This is a fun little inside joke between the two of us. If you're curious, ask one of us in person about the green onions and we'll tell you.
7) She's helped me grow closer to my own family.
Believe it or not, my family has had some problems during my childhood and adolescence. We may have drifted farther apart than is necessarily a very good thing. But Sam always makes it a priority to ask me about how my folks are doing, and to make sure we take time out of our lives to visit them and to make sure they're a part of our lives.
6) She's so good looking!
She's already posted the wedding pictures, right? You can easily tell which of the two of us is better looking. (Hint: It isn't me!)
5) Cute text messages throughout the day.
It just makes the day better when she sends me a quick update on how her day has been going, and letting me know that she loves me.
4) She's helped me understand myself better.
We're only a few months in, but we've had a lot of conversations about who I am, what I'm like, and why she loves me so much. That's huge, because it helps me better understand my own strengths and weaknesses, and so it gives me that much more confidence to pursue my dreams.
3) We grow closer every day.
With conversations like those, how could we do anything but grow closer? We've had some of the deepest, most meaningful conversations that I've had in my life, and it only gets better. When we love and respect each other to boot, it's impossible not to grow closer to each other.
2) We grow closer to God every day, together.
This one is huge for me. Sam always tells me that I've helped her grow more spiritual, but it boggles my mind, because I feel exactly the same way about her; she's helped ME grow that much closer to God. Either way, there's a great spirit that we can feel in the apartment home we have.
1) We'll be together forever.
:) It's only going to get better with time. We do have our share of disagreements, yes. But we never make the disagreement more important than the relationship, and we'll both gladly back down well before things hit a boiling point. (Usually. I mean, no one's perfect.) Things will only get better, and not even death will end our relationship.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Reception
Here are some pictures from our reception. My family did an amazing job to put it all together. Trevor and I literally just showed up, that was all we had to do. :) Enjoy!
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The four generations. :) |
Our Wedding!
Trevor and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple on August 6th, 2013. So far it's been the best 2 months of my life. I can say it was a match made in heaven. It was an amazing experience, definitely something I will never forget. We had our wedding breakfast at the Lion House right after we were married. This is special to Trevor and I, because this is where we had our first real conversation, months previous. It was awesome to be surrounded by family and friends. We then went on our honeymoon to Park City for about 4 days. Afterwards we drove up to Idaho to have our reception at Grandma and Grandpa Hunsaker's house. It was so beautiful and I wore the biggest dress. Here are some pictures from our wedding (Reception picts to come.) I'll write more about everything in future posts. Keep watching!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Our Crazy Story! Post 2
Yes, yes. Mission accomplished. I got him to kiss me. At the time, that was my goal. I wanted to play the field and my flirting paid off. After the bus ride and many nights afterwards, we began to see each other and hang out. We had about 3 weeks until he moved down to BYU to go to school. I was thinking nothing was going to come of it. He was going to Provo, and I was staying in Idaho. But time proved to be very different.
Our relationship began to strengthen. I was beginning to see that he had everything that I was looking for, AND he has awesome hair. He is kind, hard-working, has a strong testimony, down to earth, served a mission, hold the Priesthood (later stories to come), It's hard to sum him up in only a few short words, I could easily write a paper on him and why I love him. But I can say, it was a match made in heaven. I may have given kisses away easily, but for me to tell a boyfriend "I love you" is serious crap. I didn't give those away easily. During those three weeks, he met my family, I met his. Both felt good about each other's family. One night about 2 weeks in Trevor dropped the big M word. (Marriage). The night before he left for Provo, and the last night I saw him I dropped the L word. (I love you.)
By the time he left for Provo, it had been three weeks, and we basically knew that we were going to get married. When you know, you know. The time he was in Provo, proved to be difficult. I found out how much I really liked him, because I really missed him while he was gone.
The first week he was gone, we talked 25 hours on the phone. That's the equivalent of a part time job. I don't know how we found time for that. But I was always thinking of him and every other weekend we got to see each other for the most part.
Our relationship began to strengthen. I was beginning to see that he had everything that I was looking for, AND he has awesome hair. He is kind, hard-working, has a strong testimony, down to earth, served a mission, hold the Priesthood (later stories to come), It's hard to sum him up in only a few short words, I could easily write a paper on him and why I love him. But I can say, it was a match made in heaven. I may have given kisses away easily, but for me to tell a boyfriend "I love you" is serious crap. I didn't give those away easily. During those three weeks, he met my family, I met his. Both felt good about each other's family. One night about 2 weeks in Trevor dropped the big M word. (Marriage). The night before he left for Provo, and the last night I saw him I dropped the L word. (I love you.)
By the time he left for Provo, it had been three weeks, and we basically knew that we were going to get married. When you know, you know. The time he was in Provo, proved to be difficult. I found out how much I really liked him, because I really missed him while he was gone.
The first week he was gone, we talked 25 hours on the phone. That's the equivalent of a part time job. I don't know how we found time for that. But I was always thinking of him and every other weekend we got to see each other for the most part.
Our Crazy Story! Post 1
Trevor and I have a fun story that I love to tell! So, grab some popcorn! (OH, I might go pop some now :) Ok, got my popcorn (and just finished a 2 hour date with my hunny)
In the year 2012, all year I was going to school and working in a small town called Burley, Idaho. My schooling is online so I was just living at home. Trevor, on the other hand, was in Arequipa Peru! Yes, he was serving a mission for our church. This continued on until about November. I attended singles ward and activities every week, in attempts to find that "Mr. Right.". One Monday night at FHE, we were writing thank you card to the soldiers in Iraq. Sitting nearby was a bright redhead. I had been attending the singles ward for a year and a half by now, and knew everyone, but this redhead.
Time went on, I saw him at a few other activities, but it never quite worked out for me to say hi and introduce myself. I can't explain it, but from the moment I saw him, I knew I wanted to get to know him. On December 8th, our singles ward took a trip to Temple Square in Salt Lake City. I spent the morning walking around with some girlfriends of mine. When around lunch time, in the City Creek mall, by the escalators, we ran into some guys from the ward. Lo and behold, THE REDHEAD! I knew the opportunity fell right into my lap. I had had many years of practice, and he was a very fresh RM (return missionary). So, what did I do? I flirted it up! I asked them if they wanted to walk around with us, they agreed and this redhead and I began to talk. His name is Trevor. He hadn't been home a month yet from his mission. I made sure to walk real close to him, so our shoulders bumped on occasion. Our hands brushed a time or two. Sometime while doing this, I asked him for his phone number. Oh yes, it was me.
Our ward had dinner on Temple Square at the Lion House. There, we sat right next to each other and had our first real conversation. We got to know each other a bit and found out that we had a lot in common. It was neat. Then as we neared the bus to go home, I made sure to plan it just right, so that we would get to sit by each other. (The tension builds). It was dark on the bus, and we continued talking. The conversation progressed and well, we can't quite remember. I think we were teasing each other, but he ended up putting his arm around me. I turned to him, smiled and said "nice." I felt like I unlocked a new achievement. I got him to put his arm around me, success! The drive continued, I snuggled up....my head ended up on his shoulder. Our hands were together. In the quiet silence on the bus, we kissed.
In the year 2012, all year I was going to school and working in a small town called Burley, Idaho. My schooling is online so I was just living at home. Trevor, on the other hand, was in Arequipa Peru! Yes, he was serving a mission for our church. This continued on until about November. I attended singles ward and activities every week, in attempts to find that "Mr. Right.". One Monday night at FHE, we were writing thank you card to the soldiers in Iraq. Sitting nearby was a bright redhead. I had been attending the singles ward for a year and a half by now, and knew everyone, but this redhead.
Time went on, I saw him at a few other activities, but it never quite worked out for me to say hi and introduce myself. I can't explain it, but from the moment I saw him, I knew I wanted to get to know him. On December 8th, our singles ward took a trip to Temple Square in Salt Lake City. I spent the morning walking around with some girlfriends of mine. When around lunch time, in the City Creek mall, by the escalators, we ran into some guys from the ward. Lo and behold, THE REDHEAD! I knew the opportunity fell right into my lap. I had had many years of practice, and he was a very fresh RM (return missionary). So, what did I do? I flirted it up! I asked them if they wanted to walk around with us, they agreed and this redhead and I began to talk. His name is Trevor. He hadn't been home a month yet from his mission. I made sure to walk real close to him, so our shoulders bumped on occasion. Our hands brushed a time or two. Sometime while doing this, I asked him for his phone number. Oh yes, it was me.
Our ward had dinner on Temple Square at the Lion House. There, we sat right next to each other and had our first real conversation. We got to know each other a bit and found out that we had a lot in common. It was neat. Then as we neared the bus to go home, I made sure to plan it just right, so that we would get to sit by each other. (The tension builds). It was dark on the bus, and we continued talking. The conversation progressed and well, we can't quite remember. I think we were teasing each other, but he ended up putting his arm around me. I turned to him, smiled and said "nice." I felt like I unlocked a new achievement. I got him to put his arm around me, success! The drive continued, I snuggled up....my head ended up on his shoulder. Our hands were together. In the quiet silence on the bus, we kissed.
Hi! My name is Samantha Jones. I'm a young newlywed. I am now on a wonderful journey with my best friend...who happens to be my husband! His name is Trevor. I've intended my blog to be an online journal of our happenings and stories and things I'd like to share. I think now is a great time for me to start a blog, because so many great things are to come and I want to be able to share what I've learned! My motto is EMBRACE LIFE!. Life is sweet and wonderful. It is important to seize every opportunity life gives us. Everything from service, to church activities to the little things like smiling. I think it is so important to EMBRACE LIFE and continually work on becoming a better person so that we can be instruments in our Heavenly Father's hands to do the work that he would have us do. Yes, I am a MORMON. I know it, I live it, I LOVE IT! (To learn more, visit my I'm a Mormon tab. Over time, I'll post various things on there about my beliefs :)
Please stay tuned!
Please stay tuned!
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